Good morning all, and thank you very much, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for inviting the forest industry to speak to you about this important topic today.
I'd like to start with a little bit of economic context for you. I'm sure you're well aware, but the forest industry has been confronted with serious economic challenges in the global marketplace for a variety of reasons, not to mention the basic collapse of our major trading partners economically.
I want to impress upon you that we have not sat still in the face of these economic challenges. Indeed, we have put significant effort into improving our productivity. I believe we now outpace our American counterparts, and I believe we're the only Canadian sector to do so in productivity.
We have worked very hard to expand our markets. No more can we simply rely on the U.S. as a major trading partner, but we're building our global markets, particularly in Asia. We are now the largest exporter to China, for example.
We continue to push forward on our green agenda. We are working hard and striving to increase our environmental credentials so that we can also be the preferred supplier in terms of the green marketplace.
In addition to all of this, our sector is seized with the need to transform our business model. We were quite interested in and were quite taken with what opportunities exist to extract more value out of the wood-based resource. With that, we launched in early last year what we call the Future Bio-pathways Project. This is a comprehensive study that looks at three complementary objectives. Number one, how do we transform the forest sector back to profitability? Number two, how do we protect the 270,000 rural Canadian jobs that the forest industry currently has? Three, how do we support Canada's unique opportunity to be a renewable energy and a clean energy powerhouse in the global economy?
You do have a copy of the Future Bio-pathways report. It has been circulated in advance, and I urge you to read it, but in the meantime I would like to highlight some of it for you. It was not prepared in isolation, and the forest industry recognized that a lot of the leadership in this area was happening outside of our silo. So we invited experts in to support us, and through the course of the project we've had at least 65 experts heavily engaged in this report. They represented the federal government; provincial governments; academics, some of the brightest minds in the country on this stuff; the Canadian technology providers, who are doing fantastic developments; our own members, who really needed to understand the technological, economic, and social implications of these things; and, as importantly, the investment community. This project was in fact led by Mr. Don Roberts, who is currently vice-chair of CIBC.
What did we do? We analyzed 27 technologies, both traditional technologies and emerging technologies. Then we ran them through a whole slew of models to figure out “What if we did it this way?” and “What if we did it that way?” We assessed them under hundreds and hundreds of configurations. We assessed the economic, the social, and the environmental implications of these different technologies. The results were very interesting, and I'd like to share with you at a high level what we found.
Indeed, some segments of our industry are rock-solid and have very sound business fundamentals the way they are. Even though we feel the pain currently, the lumber segment, for example, has sound business fundamentals and will return to its fullest. But we do recognize that some of our other segments do need to transform, that the status quo is simply not good enough. What we found by running these various models is that the integration of bioenergy and bioproduct production into an existing forest operation is economically very significant. Not only that, but it also generates five times more employment than if we were to only do bioenergy products on a stand-alone basis. So what you see is a solid win-win economically, as well as socially, and in addition you get the environmental benefits of the sustainable forest management practised by the industry for the long term.
Essentially integrating a bioenergy/biofuel operation and tacking it on to a pulp mill or a sawmill or a paper mill dramatically increases the economic returns. That's for both, by the way. There's the host operation--the forest industry operation--and the bioenergy operator. We looked at it from both directions and in both cases the return on capital, for example, was increased.
A specific example in terms of biofuels is that we absolutely assessed biofuel technologies in and among the 27, and we did determine that this is a critically important pathway for the industry's transformation. Biofuel opportunities combined with forest operations are economic home runs. There's just no other way to put it.
I'll give you an example. If you combine a pyrolysis plant--one of our typical biofuel technologies, it's one of the examples we studied--with a sawmill in Quebec, you will see the economic returns jump to 24%. That's significantly better than the sectoral average across the country, which is running about 3% to 4%. So the economic returns are, as I said, a home run for our sector.
So the question then becomes, with these sorts of economics, what's the role of government funding? Why do you need us? What's the point? Obviously if those are the numbers you can produce, the investors will flock to you. Well, absolutely, but the role of government is in the short term. This is a question of accelerating the adoption of these technologies. Simply put, the technologies are not quite yet at commercial readiness. We very much request that governments consider promoting things like ongoing R and D—there's no question that has been a tremendous opportunity for us—pilot project funding, and first commercialization movement.
The fact remains that these are the high-risk pieces of this technology adoption. To be the first mover in commercialization of a technology, you are bearing a tremendous economic risk, significantly greater than say the third or fourth adopter. So we really do look for opportunities to see that adopted. Other incentive instruments, like producer incentives, also help accelerate the adoption.
We're not saying that those aren't good, but we're saying what we're really looking for in this industry is to get the first commercialization of these technologies. We really do believe that this model we're suggesting--bioenergy integrated with the forest industry--will have the economics to stand on its own two feet in the long term and will not be looking for financial support from the government. We can do it on our own; we just need to get the technology well into the marketplace.
I want to recognize that the federal government sent a very strong signal that they both understood and supported our biotransformational strategy in the last budget. Budget 2010 established the next-generation renewable power initiative. It certainly appears to us that this is an expression of commitment to our sector and our transformational vision. We really do believe that this will begin and further us on this agenda.
Mr. Chair, from our position as quite a potential player in this area, we do offer the committee a number of suggestions as you take forward and review the funding mechanisms that are available in this area. For example, as mentioned, we would suggest that you focus on adoption, really moving technologies through the developmental continuum from R and D all the way through to first commercialization. That you can do either through direct funding approaches, as mentioned, or through production incentives and that sort of thing. All of these things move the adoption of technology.
As much as a possible, we urge you to take a broad focus to these funds: more of a market-based focus as opposed to a technology or feedstock focus. It is our very significant principle that these funds should be technology neutral and feedstock neutral. Why is that? Because our analysis has shown us that you may think you have a technological winner and an economic winner, but it's a snapshot in time. As some of these other things develop through the continuum, they may indeed become the better economic opportunity. It's really a question of not picking the winners or the losers too early in the development process.
Where relevant, we would suggest you craft your approaches to encourage the integration of the forest industry with these bioenergy opportunities.
I will say it again. What we have discovered is that this is an economic home run for the industry but also for the emerging bioenergy sector. Combining these two things shows that on basic economic metrics, as well as on jobs and employment, you're much better off with a combined scenario.
Finally, and this is of critical importance to the sector, we must ensure that whatever we do in this area ensures ongoing, sustainable resource extraction practices and that we do not get to a point where we're putting so much pressure on the resource that we're into a mode of needing, as our environmental friends say, to hoover up or vacuum up the forest floor.
The forest industry in Canada stands firm on the need for sustainable forest management practices. Our commitment to this has really differentiated us in the marketplace. It is critically important that anything we do in bioenergy and forest fibre does not bring us backwards in terms of that agenda.
Mr. Chair, I hope those remarks are helpful to you. Once again, thank you, on behalf of the Forest Products Association.