Thank you very much.
I'm in a limited timeframe, being at the end, so I'd like to get a couple of other questions in.
Ms. Berube, with respect to the comments you've been making with the question you have been given on firefighters, I've been on this now since the beginning of this study, asking the questions about firefighters.
I've been, until very recently, in a municipality for 17 years. Firefighters are of a different opinion from the industry. Recently, in having discussions with the firefighters I find they are much more concerned about the lack of testing, with the toxins, the laminates, the glues, all of those sorts of things. They are not convinced that there has been enough study done about what might be composing that large...what were you calling it when you put them all together? I suppose it's laminating all the wood together by glue, or some such thing.
The firefighters have been of the opinion that the flashpoint in fires is faster with new product. As we're getting away from natural product and into homes now with laminate floors, with nylon carpets, with whatever the products are—the new and innovative stuff—their flashpoints are quicker and the toxins are higher. They are very concerned about that. They are concerned that people are subjected to fire quicker and to toxins quicker, and that they will be too on the job.
What's the process for you to get the approvals to introduce the products and the change in construction? I heard you say that the firefighting industry was involved, but is it the fire marshal? Is it fire chiefs? Do we know who's involved?