Absolutely. Thank you.
COSIA is a globally unique and globally significant example of collaboration on the technology innovation space. You have to pause for a minute and realize that nowhere on this planet do we have that kind of breadth and depth of collaboration around managing and reducing our footprint on the planet, from this sector or any sector.
But I do want to point out that outside of the oil sands there is a lot of work that has been going on. There's collaboration with universities. Of course, it's not brought together the same way COSIA is. It's unique because it's an oil sands-focused area. I think there's a lot of work that our non-oil sands members are doing with SDTC federally around building some road maps for technology and innovation on oil sands, specifically around methane emissions, as we heard here as well.
I think that technology innovation story is quite broad. You're right, I don't think we have messaged it as well as we could in our marketplace, and there is a distinction between market access and market acceptance.
I think it's more important to build confidence in Canada because, as we see around the world, people will buy oil from just about anybody, regardless of the standards. But as the world changes and advances, one of the things that we have promoted with the provinces that we work with, for example, is the notion that if we are doing such an excellent job decoupling our economic growth from this sector or any sector and the impact, whether it's GHG emissions or other, the parallel growth that you usually get, why wouldn't we be the global jurisdiction of choice for investment for carbon?
People should want to come and invest in carbon development here because we regulate it, manage it, and do it better than any other jurisdiction in the world. It's quite a visionary thing and a little pie in the sky, but it certainly is an opportunity. I don't know if COSIA, when they were here, talked to you about the Xprize. If you're not aware of it, the Xprize—it has been named different things over its time—Lindbergh's flight across the ocean was one of the original Xprizes.
Funding that groundbreaking moon shot, if you're talking in the U.S. context.... Our members through COSIA have developed the largest ever Xprize and the uptake is phenomenal from innovation teams from around the planet. I think several hundred applications have come in, and the prize question is carbon-related. If we're producing carbon, can we not create some value out of this carbon that we're producing? What's the value piece? If we extract carbon from our flows of energy production, what can we get for that? It's a $20-million prize that will create some innovation spark that will lead to the aha moment for our sector.
We're looking forward to that.