Minister, your claims that it will create jobs and increase production make absolutely no sense. After nine years, your government has left Canada completely landlocked and dependent on one customer, the United States, which is now our biggest competitor.
Within five years, Canada will be completely out of pipeline capacity. Therefore, production will be cut. Therefore, oil and gas workers will lose jobs. Therefore, a priority group among them, which will be hurt the most, will be indigenous workers in oil and gas. It is deeply alarming that Canada's natural resources minister seems to have no clue about that.
I guess, then, you don't really care that Dale Swampy from the National Coalition of Chiefs says, “If the federal government continues on its path with a 'just transition'”—with Bill C-50, which you know will kill 170,000 oil and gas jobs immediately because your own memos told you so—“an emissions cap”—which is a productions cap—“and other crippling legislation [it will cause] an energy crisis that will have catastrophic effects on our people, especially those living on reserves across this country.”
Shame on you.
Let's talk about LNG, because, of course, you and your government seem to be the only people in the world who think there's no business case for Canadian LNG.
How many countries, Minister, have asked for LNG from Canada?