I call the meeting to order.
Good afternoon, everyone. To our witnesses who are joining us today, I apologize for the late start. We had votes, and votes control our lives here.
I will go through a couple of quick opening comments.
Welcome to meeting 19 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee is continuing its study of creating a fair and equitable Canadian energy transformation. Today is our fourth meeting with witnesses on this study.
We're going to hear from witnesses until about 4:30. I'm going to try to get us through the first full round of questions, which is about 24 minutes, plus opening statements. We will see where that takes us. Then the plan is to go in camera for the last part of the meeting to continue on a report we have been working on. It definitely won't be at 4:30, but we will still plan on going in camera at some point this afternoon.
We're in a hybrid format. Now that we're in session, screenshots and taking photos are not allowed.
We are asking anyone attending in person to wear a mask if you're moving about the room.
For the witnesses and members, I will recognize you before you speak. For those participating by video conference, click on the microphone icon to activate your mike and then mute yourself when you're not speaking.
Interpretation is available in English, French or floor. We ask people to speak in a conversational tone, and not too fast, so that our interpreters can keep up with the conversation. All comments should be addressed through the chair. If you want to speak in the room, raise your hand. If you're online, you can use the “raise hand” function.
In accordance with the routine motion, all the witnesses have completed the required connection tests in advance of the meeting. Thank you for doing that.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses to our study of creating a fair and equitable Canadian energy transformation.
Online, we have two guests. As an individual, we have Éric Pineault, professor and economist, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal. From the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, we have Sandeep Pai, senior research lead, global just transition network.
In person, we have two guests. It's great to see people in our committee room once again. From the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, we have Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, senior researcher. From the International Institute for Sustainable Development, we have Nichole Dusyk, senior policy adviser.
If I got anybody's name wrong, please excuse me. You can correct us when you get the floor to speak.
We're going to jump right in now to our five-minute opening statements.