Thank you.
Thanks for the opportunity to appear today.
I'd like to offer three observations and principles related to the plan for a greenhouse gas emissions cap for the oil and gas sector.
The first is that Canada's production of oil and gas takes place within a global market that is showing signs of a rapid change. This is important because the future demand for Canadian oil and gas is heavily dependent on the actions other countries take to respond to the climate crisis, and the price received by Canadian producers will depend on the global supply/demand balance.
The emissions caps design therefore should take into account how the demand and price may change. I'd like to offer one example to illustrate the speed at which markets are changing, which is the acceleration of the adoption of electric vehicles.
The IEA net-zero report published in May 2021 outlines the pathway for the global energy system that would allow the globe to reach a goal of net zero by 2050. The report highlights electric cars as one of three key technologies that would need to dramatically scale up by 2030 to achieve such a goal. The graph that I have provided shows the scale-up required, which is to 25% of vehicle sales by 2025 and just over 60% by 2030.
While the scale-up required is significant, the trajectory of sales of EVs through 2021 and sales expected in 2022, which is shown in bars on the same graph, are more than on pace with this ambitious target, demonstrating the potential to achieve this portion of the net-zero goal.
The report also examines the implications of following a net-zero pathway on the global fossil fuels supply and demand, showing that it would decline from 2022 onwards, with prices ultimately declining to $35 a barrel in 2030. Moreover, the current high oil prices are not incompatible with a sector under transition and instead are what one would expect in terms of significant volatility in prices during a transition period.
While the net-zero target remains ambitious and personal transportation is not the only source of demand for oil, it is significant both in its impact as well as an example of the potential pace of change. For example, in the United States, one of the largest importers of Canadian oil, 44% of oil consumption is in the form of motor gasoline. As a result, rapid adoption of electric vehicles would have a meaningful impact on the supply/demand balance.
My second point is on the structure of the cap and integration with existing mechanisms. If the intention is to implement a firm quantity limit, I believe the appropriate policy approach would be a cap-and-trade structure with full auctioning of permits. Decisions would need to be made as to the use of revenues from the permits, but they could be recycled in such a way as to support workers and communities and mitigate global competitiveness concerns. Such a cap should be integrated with existing mechanisms such as the OBPS system or provincial-level policies such as the OBA in Alberta.
It is, however, important also to identify areas where the current policy is not efficient. For example, in Alberta, the use of facility-level benchmarks in the carbon pricing system within the oil and gas sector creates different effective carbon prices for different projects. Without making changes to the system to revert to facility-level benchmarks, a declining cap could lead to a reduction in production from resources with a lower carbon footprint over those with a higher footprint because of the structure of the existing policy.
My third point is on the need for complementary measures to drive reduction under a cap. There are significant non-economic barriers to reduction of emissions within the oil and gas sector, just as there are across other industrial sectors. While a cap can be part of a policy approach to reduce emissions, it must be supplemented by policies that address these barriers directly.
There are also practical challenges and timeline constraints that support the use of complementary measures. Relying only on a cap is risky, as the experience with cap-and-trade systems elsewhere shows that systems are typically designed with some form of relief mechanism that distorts a hard cap, and even an ambitious timeline for design and implementation of a new cap would require one to two years to design, followed by some period for implementation.
Complementary measures can ensure emission reductions continue during this time period. These complementary measures could include, for example, increasing the stringency of methane regulations as well as introducing energy efficiency regulations or requirements for electrification.
Where complementary measures and, in particular, direct public financial support for emission reductions are introduced, they should be done in a way that fairly shares the risk and reward of emission reduction technologies between the public and private sectors. This includes, for example, integrating support within the current carbon pricing system, and where public funds are used to pay for emission reductions, the future value of those reductions from the carbon price should be returned to the public.
Thank you.