First of all, I must start by commending you on the services you provide. Everyone agrees that when you are involved in a translation, there really is no problem.
However, I didn't realize that the Bureau was organized in the same way as any other company. You offer services on a cost recovery basis. I would imagine you have to reach a certain percentage. That calls into question the very principle of bilingualism in Canada. Your goal is not to make sure that the services you must provide to the public are accessible to everyone. You have to focus on profitability, which in some way compromises the principle that services should be provided whenever needed. Moreover, if you are a company, your clients also have financial concerns and may well choose to look elsewhere for less costly translation services. We've seen the results of competition and subcontracting in this type of context.
You stated that machines cannot yet replace human translators. Personally, I would say that machines will never be able to replace human translators. It seems to me that in every case, even in the field of artificial intelligence, it is unimaginable that a machine could think and convey cultural, social and intellectual values. That is what human beings can do, unless we become machines ourselves, but I don't think that will happen in our lifetimes.
Nevertheless, you say that controlled writing works, which confirms what the previous witnesses said. The work of an organization such as Service Canada is technical in nature. In that kind of situation, people may well choose to make greater use of controlled writing. The service could be designed so that if an employer has something else to add, this could be done during the interview. In any event, it's unacceptable for the work to be of poor quality. In that case the service provided does not have the desired effect. I was told that they would avoid posting non revised texts. That shouldn't apply to just one language. It is a matter of justice for both official languages. It may slow down the machinery, but an advantage should not be given to anglophones or francophones based on where they live.
Do you agree with me on that?