Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for your testimony.
I just have two general comments. I don't have any questions. You were pretty clear in your presentations to us.
The first one I think is a matter of perspective. There are reasonable people who could agree or disagree on this issue about the need for a court challenges program. I think arguments can be made on either side of this issue--reasonably in favour of continuing a program like this and reasonably in favour of not continuing a program like this.
I say that for the reason that the program, as it was originally established, was to clarify an area of law that had rapidly evolved in the late sixties and early seventies, and in the late seventies with the Official Languages Act, with some of the initiatives undertaken by the provinces, so there wasn't a substantial base of case law, jurisprudence, that had been established. During those years it was an era of a lot of questions around linguistic minority rights, and the program was established. Later it was expanded to include other minority rights with the advent of the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I think one could reasonably argue that after three decades there has been a substantial base of case law that has been established. Is it final? Is it all-encompassing? Does it clarify everything? No. There are certainly areas of law that need to be clarified, but one could argue that there is that substantial basis of jurisprudence now. There are reasonable people on the other side of the argument who don't agree, and I don't deny them their point of view.
We've been sitting here now for weeks talking about this, for months frankly, and when you look at the big picture of access to the legal system in Canada, there are two things that jump out at me. The first is that this frankly is a minuscule program in terms of access to the legal system. I think in Ottawa here on Parliament Hill we have conflated the idea of legal aid with that of the primary intention of the court challenges program. There's no doubt that one of the secondary criteria for the program, one of the secondary purposes, was to assist those who needed access to the judicial system, but the primary purpose for the program was to fund cases that would give greater clarity to that area of jurisprudence, to case law, with respect to linguistic and other minority rights.
We're looking at a system here in which the provinces are by and large responsible--well, they are responsible--for legal aid under the administration of justice. Their programs collectively are in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and what they do at the provincial level has a profound impact on access to the legal system. If you added up their programs, they're close to half a billion dollars in terms of funding to assist people to access the court system, and we're talking about a program here of $2 million to $3 million. Sometimes I wonder if we--not speaking to the witnesses now, but through you, Mr. Chair--here on Parliament Hill sometimes have a different perspective or a lack of perspective on this with respect to where really, in the real world, people need access to the judicial system. It's often through legal aid.
The final point I make with respect to access to the legal system is that there isn't an absolute right to access to the courts. The Supreme Court has recently said that in the British Columbia Attorney General v. Christie. They've said that there's a right to counsel in certain specific cases, and possibly even varied cases, but that there's no absolute right to access to the courts, and that there's frankly not a general constitutional right for state-paid legal counsel in proceedings before courts and tribunals.
Those are just the general comments that I put in front of it. As I started, I said that there are many reasonable people on both sides of this question, and I thank the witnesses here for their presentations.