If you are talking about training relating to non-imperative staffing—I believe that is what you were referring to—we are governed by a statutory instrument of the Public Service Commission, which is
an official languages exclusion order.
That gives us two years to meet language requirements, attain a BBB, or CBC level, according to the requirements of the position. The commission is responsible for follow-up. We, for one, assist them with our annual report. Departments provide statistics to us on this matter, and the Public Service Commission follows up with the departments. Through this instrument, employees sign an agreement stipulating that if they fail to meet their obligations, they can be seconded to a position that suits their language abilities. Therefore, it is the commission which is responsible for following up on these cases.
The other part of the waiting list is comprised of people who had requested language training to further develop their careers. The responsibility is therefore shared between the manager and the employee who is seeking to improve future possibilities.