Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I don't want to talk about courses given by the Department of Justice, but about courses. I especially want to announce to you, Mr. Chairman, that I will be tabling a motion to request that the Standing Committee on Official Languages recommend that justices appointed to the Supreme Court be bilingual. I will eventually table a private bill to make the necessary changes to ensure that we have bilingualism. When a court is the court of last resort, that's where it happens. It's like in hockey. When the puck goes by the goaltender, you can no longer stop it: it's gone in; it's over. So you have to be subtle. These are important technical and legal concepts. If people aren't able to make themselves understood in their language, I'm sorry, but they get the feeling they are second-class citizens. There has to be justice—isn't that true, Mr. Tremblay?—there has to be the appearance of justice. So it's necessary that that appearance of justice also take on its full force.
What also concerns me is that we unfortunately always get the feeling that bilingualism is a francophone who speaks English. When there are eight bilingual individuals and one anglophone and everybody is speaking English, that's nice, that's fine, but personally that's a problem for me. Everyone agrees that there is a problem of perception, that there is a double standard when you find yourself in superior courts where the judge has trouble communicating, or you're unable to get judges who allow you to be heard.
I'd simply like to ask you whether you get the feeling that, even though there are stays of proceedings in the Criminal Code and elements that make it possible to postpone a case, very often people need to be heard, and if you aren't on the same footing as people who can make themselves understood immediately in English, there's somehow a certain injustice. Even if you sweep the dust under the carpet by saying that that will come one day, ultimately, it's as though we were saying to ourselves that we'll stop at the street corner and wait for an RCMP officer for two more hours because we want to be served in French.
What do you think of what I've just told you, Commissioner, and then Mr. Doucet?