So we'll have them in about 10 weeks.
You just hired someone four weeks ago to solve the official languages problem, whereas the games were to be held 14 weeks after your decision to hire someone. You mentioned that you have been aware you will have to meet certain obligations since 2003. However, 14 weeks before the Olympic Games, you're ultimately trying to hoodwink us into believing that the official languages problems will be solved. That's roughly what you're telling us today. We don't call that being proactive; we call that being reactive to the pressures of, among others, the commissioner or of the parliamentarians on the official languages committee.
Those are precisely the fears that I have previously mentioned. We will have to criticize more, once the games are over, because someone, somewhere won't have done his job. That's what we're seeing today, and we're talking about Vancouver, where the Olympic Games are going to be held.
I think this is a matter of responsibility at some point. You have to be proactive and stop being reactive all the time. In this case, I must admit to you that it is very disappointing to hear that this hiring took place four weeks ago, 14 weeks before the start of the Olympic Games.
I'm now going to go back to what is going on in Ottawa. Mr. Benoit, you were the first person to speak. You tried to justify the retail industry's problems and this general problem in Canada of finding francophones or bilingual persons. Regardless of the reasons, I'm disappointed about that as well because, while you were telling us that, people from Toronto, among others, were saying they were communicating actively to make it understood that concrete efforts had to be made to achieve real bilingualism among franchisees. I even think that, for Vancouver, you mentioned that you were approaching franchisees.
It would be nice not to hear excuses for not being able to push too hard so that they don't all close down, while others seem to want to make an effort to get involved with franchisees and their parent companies.
Earlier I was listening to you try to explain why this can't be done, while others were trying to say that they were there and were at least trying.