Thank you.
Let me mention a couple of things about what will be happening at Pearson airport, first of all.
We do 85,000 passengers a day. We anticipate that during the Olympics the level of traffic might go up to about 100,000 a day, which really is not that much for us; it's not that busy a day. In fact, what we are doing is building on our existing programs. As I said, our front line staff are 75% bilingual, so we are making sure that we are redeploying them.
We are taking the opportunity of the Olympic Games to use them as a vehicle to remind people of their French-language obligations under the Official Languages Act. As I said, we are working with the official languages office to tailor the training appropriately.
In fact, in November of last year, they came to us and asked, “What is the best way to approach the government agencies?”. One of the things that is difficult for airport authorities is to go to the government agencies, CATSA and CBSA, to explain to them their obligations, because they already have so many responsibilities to the federal government.
One of the things that I think is important for us—and, please, I don't offer this by way of excuse—is that the issue of official languages shifts, so we need to use every opportunity we can to remind people. In previous years, for example, we had a very virulent complaint from a passenger that we used as the example for our retailers to say, “This is exactly how somebody should not be treated”. Then the staff turns over and we have to do it again.
We would anticipate a staff turnover of between 20% and 30% between now and the time the Olympics happen, so we're tailoring our training. We're also trying to use this as a lever for longer-term sustainable French-language and official-languages programming at Pearson. Will it be difficult? Absolutely. Will it be a challenge? Absolutely.
Will we be 100% perfect and compliant? That's going to be a challenge. All I can give you now is our absolute commitment that we will make the best effort we can and that we'll continue with those efforts.