On the whole, interprovincial migration is a relatively limited phenomenon, if you consider the francophone population in general. Of course, as we've seen from one census to the next or from one intercensal period to the next, there can be significant population movements, both francophone and non-francophone.
For example, between 1996 and 2001, more francophones left Quebec than settled in Quebec, and the difference was nearly 10,000 persons. Those people went mainly to Ottawa and Toronto. A number of them went to settle in Calgary and Vancouver. Following those migratory movements, over a period of five years, the francophone population outside Quebec rose by nearly 10,000 persons. Five years later, we observed a significant return of francophones who were originally from Quebec. They returned to Quebec and the francophone population outside Quebec declined by 5,000.
In general, immigrants who tend to leave Quebec are clearly immigrants who use French less than others. Perhaps it isn't their mother tongue or their first official language spoken; they tend not to have it from the outset. Sometimes this barrier can impede movement.
We do not see any considerable movement of francophone immigrants; there is no considerable movement, for example, from Ontario and British Columbia to Quebec. There may be some movements between border provinces, but that is not a very significant phenomenon. Of course, the economic issue is fundamentally important. We have heard all kinds of stories. For example, to prevent a school from closing, people absolutely wanted to attract immigrants. Immigrant couples arrived, everyone was happy, and the school stayed open, but the parents couldn't find work because their specialization was in information technology and there were no positions in that field.
This is an important consideration and it will greatly influence movements, much more than any intention to join a given linguistic community.