It's really something being with you. First of all, it's a pleasure for me. It's definitely not easy. I come from a region outside Quebec, outside Ontario, away from here. It's as though it were outside of everything. I'm an Acadian from northeastern New Brunswick. Back home, 80% of the population is francophone. Ms. Lanteigne comes from Caraquet. It's a pleasure for me to meet you this morning, Ms. Lanteigne.
Back home in New Brunswick, one-third of the population is francophone. So the school districts had to be divided in two: the French school district and the English school district. There are always people who say that divides people, but that's not the case. That's how we've been able to save our language, because you learn French, but you catch English. You've no doubt heard that before. You learn French, you speak French in class, and you catch the other language in the hall. That's the fact of the matter. Our mandate is to see where we stand with all that and how we can go about helping you.
We are taking in immigrants here so we can increase our francophone population. We must not lose our language because we're catching English too. For you, it's in the halls; for us it's on the street, in offices, in Ottawa.
As you say, if you don't speak English, it's hard to find a job; that's the fact of the matter. You can't be a deputy minister if you don't speak English. However, you can be a deputy minister if you speak English but not French, in an officially bilingual country. It should be equal. You can be a judge on the Supreme Court of Canada if you're an anglophone, but you can't be one if you're a francophone and you don't speak English. That's the situation in our country, which we're trying to change. You have to accept the equality of the two languages. If that were the case, you would have as many chances as the others. I believe you've understood. As you said earlier, the fact that you are Canadian doesn't make it easier to get a job if you don't speak both languages.
Let's go back to your school. What could be done? It will be said that this is a provincial jurisdiction, but Ms. Desautels said a little earlier that budgets and money get a lot of things done. You can do miracles with money; you can hit peaks of $1 billion in Toronto. You can do a lot of things with money. With money and programs, couldn't we train groups to really encourage students to speak French in the halls or to find francophone friends? And I'm not talking about artificial friends. The idea is to be able to organize so-called francophone activities and to bring people together, to have money so they can take the bus, or something else. These activities would make it possible to bring together people who can spend time together and who wouldn't feel alone.
We're talking about intake. We have to determine how we can receive the people who arrive here, how they will spend the day in class, how they can enjoy themselves in the evenings and on weekends and feel good. I'd like to know your opinion on that.
Ms. Desautels, you talked about the budget.