If you don't mind, Mr. Chairman, I would just like to point out that I was the Mayor of a city in my riding in the Kamouraska region. The neighbouring town had welcomed 30 or more Colombian families to work in a hog slaughterhouse. These immigrants included doctors and lawyers. For them, that job was a way of coming to Canada.
Earlier, you talked about recognizing credentials. However, it is important to understand that, when people do not speak a word of French and only speak Spanish, there must be minimal integration into the community. In our case, they had a lot of trouble, despite that fact that they had jobs. They had a lot of trouble with even minimal integration into the community. Two years later, they all left. They decided not to stay, despite all the efforts made by the municipality.
I understand that municipalities should be very much involved in facilitating immigrant integration. When we talk about the communities, we are basically talking about local communities that can play a very significant role. I believe strongly in that; there is no doubt that this is important.
I would like to come back to the forum. There were quite a few people in attendance. Since we have been examining this issue in committee, I have noted two very important things. In terms of integration, we are really talking about employability, meaning that immigrants have to have access to potential jobs and be properly received by the community. These are two extremely important pillars, as well as education—in other words, training people when they arrive in the chosen community.
These two very important issues—education and employability—came through in our committee hearings. Did these two issues turn out to be as important at your last conference?