Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First, I would like to thank you for inviting the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to respond to your questions today. I would like to begin by saying that, as a national police force, the RCMP strives to remain a role model in implementing and respecting all laws, including the Official Languages Act, which honours our national heritage and unique linguistic identity.
Whatever challenges we may encounter along the way, the RCMP never ceases to dedicate itself to finding and implementing solutions that will improve the quality of services it provides in the two official languages of our country. It is because of its continuous devotion and commitment that our organization invests great effort in making the necessary adjustments to respect its obligations under the Official Languages Act, just as it would for any other law it is mandated to observe and enforce.
Our cornerstone remains the first-class delivery of police services based on compliance and respect. When our choices, our actions or our decisions are questioned, we try to find a way to rectify the situation as soon as possible and to the best of our ability. We take full responsibility for our choices, even when they contradict our intentions. But more importantly, we remain attentive to the public we serve, and we are ready to readjust the focus because our objective is simple: the well-being of all.
That said, in regard to our official languages obligations, we are fully engaged in doing what is necessary, to the best of our ability and within our scope, to show Canadians that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is fully committed to promoting and conserving English and French, as well as protecting Canadians' linguistic rights, without prejudice, when it comes to communicating with and obtaining services from our organization in the official language of one's choice. It is precisely because the organization believes in the fair treatment of all citizens that it continues to invest effort in improving the level of bilingualism internally and externally.
We are keeping a strong and continuing commitment to have all of our official administrative and operational documents for our employees, as well as our services and external communications with the public, provided in both English and French, where and when prescribed by the law, whether it be on our Web sites, in person, or through our media relations.
As part of its commitment to respect its obligations, the RCMP has raised the visibility and importance of the Official Languages Act in its programs throughout the organization, by including in its official languages action plan for 2010-2013 different initiatives focused on the implementation and promotion of parts IV, V, VI, and VII of the act. These initiatives are also used to further sensitize RCMP employees with respect to two important points: their official language rights and obligations, and the value added by our Canadian linguistic duality.
As part of its ongoing awareness and education campaign entitled, "Our Heritage, Our Advantage", the RCMP continues to develop and discuss educational and promotional tools force-wide, especially when it pertains to active offer service delivery in the official language of choice of the public.
The RCMP has also increased internal media to this end over the last few years. The purpose is to bring official languages to the forefront. Every opportunity is taken to post and distribute various articles on communications with and services to the public, language of work, equal participation of English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians, linguistic duality, enhancement of official language minority communities, and much more.
Best practices throughout the organization are shared and showcased, special events, internal or external, are announced, and useful tips are given as to the use of English and French in the workplace and beyond.
When it comes to language of work, many measures have been adopted by us throughout the regions to foster and promote a workplace conducive to the use of our two official languages. A prime example that demonstrates our commitment towards increasing the level of bilingualism within our organization is the raising of the linguistic profiles of all of our supervisory positions to a minimum of BBC within New Brunswick to improve the quality of communications with employees.
Another good example that highlights our efforts and our commitment is the creation of a new language training program. In addition to the regular English- and French-language training offered throughout the regions, in December 2008, the RCMP began offering an English-language training program to newly engaged francophone members, following their cadet training program at Depot Division, in Regina.
The purpose of this program, which integrates both language training and field coaching, is to offer francophone members additional support throughout their policing career and equal opportunity for advancement.
Our objective remains ensuring a workplace conducive to the use of both official languages, where services, tools and necessary training are all available in English and in French.
With regard to the implementation of part VII of the Official Languages Act, our directorate of official languages, our regional coordinator network, as well as different stakeholders throughout the RCMP, are very involved with anglophone and francophone minorities and take active part in various interdepartmental committees. These committees aim to support the development of these groups, as well as support the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. Indeed, the RCMP is dedicated to searching for and putting in place positive measures to shoulder the government's commitment to this end. Although the RCMP is not among the designated federal institutions who must submit an official accountability report to Canadian Heritage, it insists on doing so as proof of its commitment towards the implementation of sections 41 and 42 of this legislation.
Last but not least, we continue to recruit from all communities that form our Canadian mosaic, including, of course, our official language minority communities.
In our opinion, it is a winning situation for all involved. Not only does this increase and enrich the force's capacity with a wide array of skills, but it also provides employment opportunities and career development to all Canadian citizens who would like to join Canada's police force and make a difference in communities across the country.
In hundreds of communities that we serve day in and day out, proactive and positive measures are taken that underline the government's requirements and commitment. The RCMP continues to encourage its personnel to go beyond their obligations wherever and whenever possible. We recognize the importance and value of our bilingual identity, and not only continue our efforts to preserve it but also promote it as an operational asset. Languages, which open the door to communication, can be the most effective and valuable tool towards the achievement of the greater good.
This notion, along with the intent to serve members of the public in the official language of their choice and to respect linguistic duality, is one of our goals. It is an integral part of our strategic framework, and it is considered not only in everyday law enforcement functions, but also in the planning and delivery of major events. The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games are a prime example.
In short, bilingualism is an official priority of the RCMP. This is why we fully support the objectives of the Official Languages Act in our day-to-day operations. When we consider the extent of our responsibilities and focus on the fact that we have over 700 points of service, many operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we come to realize just how many challenges can be presented by that. Notwithstanding those, we will pursue our efforts towards the achievement of a balance between operational needs and the ongoing necessity of serving the public in the two official languages of Canada. The RCMP will continue to fulfill all of its obligations under the act across the organization.
Should we slip along the way, as was the case with Google Translate, we will take the necessary steps to get back on the right track. We remain dedicated to providing exemplary policing services to Canadians, as well as promoting a work environment conducive to the use of French and English, in accordance with this act and its regulations.
Finally, I want to assure you that, like any English-speaking and French-speaking Canadian, our national police force respects and shares the same commitment towards our two official languages and our culture.
That is why the RCMP makes it its duty to equally preserve and promote both, not only as a right and an obligation, but rather as a legacy to our advantage, just as presented in its official languages awareness campaign.
On this final note, I thank you for your time and interest.