No, I'm not. You have good foot soldiers fighting for judges who are spreading untruths, but that's okay.
Back to what you were saying, the only broadcaster who can give us 100% of all of that, nationwide, is not Channel V. Channel V isn't interested in broadcasting Vancouver-based news in Montreal. You can be sure of that. It's not obligated to do so.
And yet, that's the CBC's mandate. So aren't you worried about the CRTC decision to exclude the CBC? Perhaps you have a good reason for being so. You don't want the CBC to say, as a result of not being able to collect fees from cable companies, that it's going to withdraw from certain regions. I don't think that it should be entitled to withdraw. It should provide a service to all Canadians in every way it can. I don't want it to be able to opt out.
But how will the government support the CBC if there are financial woes? They spoke about that last night and this morning on the news, and it worries me.