Yes, the participation rate is exceptional. And it's really interesting to see the wide diversity of activities that are available. We target various audiences for each activity. As far as I am concerned, it is very important that the association's programming not be addressed to only one target group. I have been in the job in Yellowknife for eight months now, and so far, things are working out very well in terms of activities. I'd say my colleague and I have worked miracles. We had no money. We are forever looking to work in partnership and we are constantly in survival mode. Our working capital is not guaranteed. I had to secure a contract for my colleague. She works for a tourist organization 80% of the time, and for the association the rest of the time. So, I am alone to look after everything until April 1, which is the end of the fiscal year. I would just like to mention, once again, that the association manages Radio Taïga, which survives through advertising sales.
What am I supposed to do if one year, sales are not as high as they were the previous year? I have to amortize the costs and run a deficit. Our cash assets are greatly reduced at this point. As I was explaining earlier, there is significant programming, but I don't want that to camouflage the real situation. I do this because I am passionate about it and I am always looking to the future. I want results in order to prepare the future. At this point, there are very positive spinoffs because of our partnerships. That is creating a solid base for our programming and for the future of the association.
At the same time, I'm running out of steam. It's too bad, because there is enormous potential. I also work with youth in Yellowknife. We have established partnerships, but we're always dependent on funders. Even with three contracts, as I explained earlier, I have no money right now. Yet I have $20,000 worth of bills to pay.
So, that's the reality. But we keep going all the same. It's really people's response to the activities that stimulates me. I'm in survival mode. One week, I may sign a small contract, and the next, I am running all the time. I am unable to do any long-term planning whatsoever.