Mr. Chairman, I do not want to belabour the following point, but it is not the first time this has happened in committee. Neither the Bloc Québécois nor any other colleagues be they Conservative, Liberal or New Democrat, should have to make excuses for the work they do. The tenor of our questions is up to us. Witnesses come here to be accountable to the government and to the people on situations and we are entitled to our questions. When we are skeptical about something, it is up to us to ask those questions. If we do not, we will be complimenting left, right, and centre, and we would not be reflecting reality. That was my remark.
I would like to know from Air Canada and its partners how many courses are offered. I would like to have a figure, I am not asking you to provide it straightaway if you do not have it. Courses, according to me, last for a period and include lessons. How many courses are there? I know there are three categories, I read the documents you provided and I thank you for them. Just to get an idea, can you tell me how many Air Canada staff members have taken these courses on a yearly basis over the last five years? Let's compare that with the number of staff members within the entire Air Canada machine.
As was said earlier on, 41% of bilingual positions held by bilingual people—we have seen that 59% of these positions are held by unilingual people. I would certainly hope people would rush to take lessons to become bilingual. If positions are given by the administration in good conscience to individuals who do not meet the linguistic requirements of the position, I hope those people work hard and do everything they can to succeed. If they do not, I hope they are told that they were given a chance and that they will be transferred elsewhere. If it is a bilingual position... there must be some degree of pride in holding that position, better wages, I do not know, I do not know all the criteria.
So, tell me how many courses, how many people are taking them—according to the three categories you referred to earlier on—and, finally, compare that figure to the total number of staff at Air Canada.
Another aspect of things is the number of people taking these courses and working directly with the public or with clients. That is a major point! Not necessarily the baggage handler so much as the person inside the plane and all workers that the travelling public will encounter on a trip. Also, can you tell me how many people are taking this course compared to the number of people working in front-line positions, as we say in other professions as well, or in other words, directly with clients.
That would give us an idea. And over the years, if we see an improvement, we may say that perhaps things are not perfect but at least efforts have been made.
At this point, we are relying on everyone's good faith, whereas we have a report from the Commissioner of Official Languages which put you—and when I say “you” I am referring to Air Canada of course—among the offenders. It has gotten to such a point that we are considering legislation because of this legal vacuum, to make sure that your partners have the same responsibilities.
You know as well as I do that people travelling on planes do not have the upper hand as clients: we can even be arrested in some cases. Well, if we ask for services in French, are not given them and that creates a disturbance, we could end up in jail or be prevented from travelling.
If we can have these figures, it would be much appreciated.
Yes, Mr. Chair?