Of course.
Let's say it's $2.50, which is probably less expensive than a café au lait at a lot of businesses specializing in that kind of beverage.
I also want to preserve the right to speak for all of us politicians. And I apologize for reminding you very humbly, dear friends of the government party, that your days are numbered. It's not because I don't like you, but because, throughout history, I have never known a government to be eternal. Otherwise we would probably be living under the rule of some Caesar. It goes without saying that, in their great wisdom, voters feel a need to clean house once in a while or to make some beneficial change, to open the windows and let in some fresh air. So you are shooting yourselves in the foot with a motion like this. I will be working to make sure you still have your right to speak the day you return to the opposition benches. I am doing it for myself, but I am also doing it for you.
I am also doing it for all the media, which are a major power. They are often the link between the public and this somewhat esoteric Parliament Hill, where we work every day for the good of every citizen of this country. You have to admit that, as a result of procedures, jargon and the way things are done, you have to be one of the initiated to be able to follow that. The media have that pleasant task. First they have to try to put their finger on the most important stories because it would be impossible for citizens to follow all the issues handled on Parliament Hill in a single day. Then they have to try to provide a popularized account of the work we do and to inform citizens about it. An informed society can only be more productive and richer in all respects.
For all those people and for all those reasons, I will continue the fight until this motion has been withdrawn. I remind every one of you on the government side that the most important thing that needs to be said unfortunately cannot come from me, but rather from one of you, to whom I would gladly hand over the floor if you had the good fortune to announce that you were withdrawing this motion and that we were returning to the committee's business on a basis allowing for discussion.
The consequence of this motion, which Mr. Harris's amendment is designed to correct, is to disrupt the climate of trust.