Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for inviting me to appear before your committee to participate in the discussion about the Translation Bureau. I hope to provide a relevant, if not original point of view.
I myself was a translator at the Secretary of State early in my career, and I recently finished a book on the Translation Bureau's first 100 years entitled Les douaniers des langues: grandeur et misère de la traduction à Ottawa, 1867-1967.
In 1984, I published a history of the bureau on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. I have dedicated some 40 years to translation history and teaching, which supports my testimony.
We all know that a lot of translation goes on in Canada. Translation is part of this country's DNA, even though many Canadians consider it to be a necessary evil of Confederation. The same could be said of official bilingualism because translation and bilingualism go hand in hand. Translation is not a by-product of bilingualism; it is a manifestation of bilingualism.
What should we think of the Portage machine translation software? Modern technology is marvellous, but it must be used wisely. We need to differentiate between the availability of Portage to all federal public servants and its use by professional translators.
Let's start with federal public servants.
There are risks associated with machine translation software such as Google Translate and Portage in their current incarnation because they are unpredictable and unreliable and there are no clear guidelines for their use by federal public servants. Canada's three largest translators' associations—Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick—have expressed significant concerns about Portage. Even the government's informatics services have not recommended using it for email communications. If Portage were to become widely used, it would signal a return to the days when translation was entrusted to bilingual secretaries who were not equipped to perform such tasks.
We know that, for several years now, public servants have been using Google Translate for internal communications, often with disastrous results. I provide some real examples of these kinds of emails in my brief.
Canada's official languages are English and French. Machine language is not an official language, and neither is it “good enough”. For whom is that language supposed to be good enough?
Because both languages are equal under law, Portage could produce errors with legal consequences. Such errors could discredit the Translation Bureau and tarnish Canada's image.
I think it's unrealistic to believe that machine translation can improve communication among public servants or encourage them to work in their language. What is preventing them from working in their language right now?
A unilingual public servant who is unable to read the original message could be misled by an unrevised machine translation. If all Portage translations must be revised, there will have to be a considerable number of bilingual revisers, and that entails extra cost. Will the government really save money? Who will those revisers be? What skills will they be required to have? These are some questions that will need to be answered.
What about professional translators? For over a century, federal translators have specialized in language and translation. Because of them, Ottawa has become a centre of excellence for translation and interpretation. They professionalized the profession in the 1920s and pioneered translation teaching in the 1930s.
Lawmakers in three provinces have granted the reserved title of certified translator to translators who are members of professional associations in those provinces. They are recognized as professionals. Translators play an essential role in ensuring Canada's linguistic duality and practise a profession with a strong symbolic value. They are considered by many MPs, ministers and senators as the cement of national unity. Dozens and dozens of testimonies attest to that.
Their primary complaint is the lack of respect for their professional status: they are being told not only what to do, but also how to do it. Decisions about how to work must remain the professional's prerogative. The fact that they are public servants is irrelevant. Does anyone tell accountants how to perform their work?
Federal translators are certainly not hostile to new technology, but they are very aware that these new tools, Portage in particular, could have a detrimental effect on language, translation and translation as a profession. They are willing to use machine translation, but they do not want to be turned into machines themselves.
Let's look now at the Translation Bureau, which seems to be at a crossroads.
The Translation Bureau Act, enacted in 1934, requires the organization to make and revise all translations for all government organizations. In the years following the Official Languages Act, the bureau flourished. The bureau expanded the range of services available to public servants and all Canadians. In 1974, it even acquired oversight over linguistic standardization within the federal government.
As a public organization, the Translation Bureau has demonstrated dynamism, leadership and innovation in the last 50 years. My brief contains an impressive list of these innovations.
The Translation Bureau is responsible for producing quality translations, but the law does not say that this must be done at the lowest possible cost. Quality comes at a price, but translation is actually not very expensive.
Historically, the bureau's budget has always represented less than 1% of the national budget, which is currently $296 billion. Is accounting expensive? How about consultants? We rarely ask the question in those terms, but when it comes to discussing translation, the financial aspect is raised immediately.
Over the past 10 years or so, there has been a clear desire to reduce translation-related expenses as much as possible. There is talk of cutting bureau staff by 60%. Over the past three years alone, the bureau looked to save $50 million thanks in some measure to new technology. Is it purely by chance that this cost-cutting coincided with the plan to roll out machine translation software on April 1?
We need to give control over all translation within the federal public service back to the Translation Bureau in accordance with the act that has governed it since 1934. If not, the anarchic system that prevailed in the pre-bureau days will return. I think we're already there. I could answer that question if you ask it later. I could tell you how we currently have the anarchic system we wanted to avoid in 1934.
The bureau is a public organization and, as such, it has a mission that differs from that of a private translation company. I could also explain that more later.
I may be mistaken, but for a number of reasons, I get the strong impression that there are forces seeking to dismantle the Translation Bureau. The bureau is not recruiting; its workforce has been shrinking steadily. It has offered no internships in four years and has stopped funding the Traduca internship program. Is this because it foresees a need for fewer translators?
In addition to excellent interpreters who accomplish masterful feats of communication on a daily basis, the bureau had a team of terminologists who literally invented this new profession and whose remarkable achievements have garnered worldwide recognition. However, I'm told that the number of terminologists has shrunk to the point that terminology is practically endangered and significant expertise has been lost, as significant as the loss of scientific and technical translators who must retire or who are being fired.
I believe that the bureau's status as a special operating agency—or SOA—prevents it from fulfilling a public organization's mission in terms of innovation, training and terminology. As in any field, failure to innovate means falling behind. The Translation Bureau's history is part and parcel of the evolution of a bilingual Canada. It reminds me of a grand heritage building that developers want to demolish for the sake of financial gain.
To conclude, I'd say that translation is an excellent indicator of the relative standing, weight and vitality of one official language vis-à-vis the other. The first language to suffer the detrimental effects of machine translation would be French, which is the main language that is translated. There were 325 million words translated into French compared to 23 million into English in the last fiscal year. Francophones in this country will reject cost savings and productivity as excuses to relegate their language to the ranks of technobabble.
Thank you. I would be pleased to answer all your questions.