I'm being given just four minutes? Mr. Clarke had eight. In any case, he raised some excellent points that I feel compelled to revisit.
To begin with, he said that the government should make decisions without letting lawyers assess the legality of the proposed provisions. The Conservative Party, would, even before things got off the ground, create legislation that was sure to be unconstitutional, thus putting off, by a year or two, the making of a genuinely favourable decision. The nine times that the Conservatives submitted references to the Supreme Court, it ruled the provisions in question unconstitutional. They submitted nine references to the Supreme Court; it was a game to them. They threw it all into the trash. That's what's so interesting.
My colleague also said that, if Canadians wanted to challenge the legislation, they would. That is from a member of a government that abolished the court challenges program. Its approach was to create legislation, claim that people simply had to challenge it if they felt the need, all the while, knowing full well that there was no funding for such challenges and that it could carry on with its agenda. That's rather incredible.
Mr. Clarke, I'm not referring to you, personally, but to your party. We know how its members voted.
Mr. Mendicino, I'd like to thank you for your work and your appearance before the committee today. I would especially like to thank you for the action plan. Work on the plan began a year ago, and it is going to give us the guidance we need to be successful going forward. That is pivotal.
You talked about the amounts allocated. I would like your department to request an increase in the $40-million envelope, as well as in the $2 million for legal translation. That is crucial.
What are you doing to encourage people to become bilingual? That is my question. What strategies are available?