Just a moment, we have to be careful. SOQUIJ translates rulings, but that's a small part of its mission. SOQUIJ's mission is really to gather case law, to determine which judgments or cases, if dealing with appeal courts, are more important, to make summaries and to publish them in specialized journals. That's SOQUIJ's mission. At the same time, only marginally, I repeat, does the organization handle translation. However, that's not its primary mission.
When I say four, six, seven or eight people, I'm only talking about the editorial committee that is going to read the rulings.
Now, thanks to electronic distribution, everything is accessible. They have lawyers who read ruling after ruling and, at some point, they find one of interest. A case-compendium author will write a summary of it and, as a result, the distribution of the ruling will become more significant, because users searching with keywords will know that they are in the right area.
We can add to this very mission and decide that we will now add a step, by reviewing federal law and criminal law to determine which decisions are important for a specific reason, and that we will translate and export them.
That would be done first at the level of the Court of Appeal, because of its authority, but many rulings are also rendered in the lower courts. For instance, 99% of the cases heard in the Court of Quebec fall under criminal law. Even in Quebec, this fact is often ignored. The Court of Quebec has excellent judges who could provide outstanding services to all Canadians. That's our thinking.