Thank you, Ms. Adam.
Thank you, Mr. Boulerice.
The round of questions is over.
On behalf of the members of the committee, I'd like to thank the witnesses for having accepted our invitation to appear before the committee. Their contribution to the study's impact is extremely important to us.
Today we heard from Ms. Anne Vinet-Roy of the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens, and Ms. Dyane Adam and Mr. Denis Berthiaume of the Université de l'Ontario français, respectively Chair of the Board of Governors and Vice-President Academic and Research.
I'd like to remind the members of the committee that next Thursday will be our final meeting for this study. The six witnesses have already confirmed their participation.
I'd also like to thank the committee members for their customary cooperation.
I'd also like to thank the technical team, the clerk and the analysts.
The meeting is adjourned.