I'll reread the text. However, I don't know whether I interpreted Mr. Blaney's comments properly. I understood that paragraph (c) would exclude from our study the impact on a linguistic minority community.
We're all saying the same thing about the preamble, namely, that it clearly states the scope of this study. The Speech from the Throne talked about protecting our linguistic minority communities while promoting the French fact in North America.
I'm a francophone outside Quebec. I would feel very uncomfortable telling Canadians that the 51-year-old Official Languages Act will disregard the anglophone minority communities in Quebec, which are the counterparts of the francophone minority communities outside Quebec.
Clearly this is part of the Speech from the Throne. How can we harmonize this with the French fact in North America, which we want to protect and promote? I don't think that you meant to say this, Mr. Blaney. However, that's how I understood your comments. This would distort Mr. Beaulieu's motion.
We acknowledge that there are two linguistic minorities in the country. We must also talk about the Acadians, Franco-Manitobans, Fransaskois and anglophones in Quebec. I live across from the Gaspé Peninsula. There are people named McDonald and Day. Mr. Blaney, you're a perfect example, since you're a francophone of Irish origin.
I'm appealing a little to everyone's reason. The preamble is excellent, because it clearly sets out the scope of the proposed study. This is what we all want to study. We must harmonize what may seem paradoxical, but perhaps isn't. Perhaps our study will prove otherwise.
We must harmonize this desire to promote French in Quebec and in North America. The more French is promoted in Quebec, the better it will be for francophone communities such as my community and Ms. Lalonde's communities and for all francophones outside Quebec. When the Official Languages Act was drafted, it included the two founding peoples. The act was designed to respect these peoples by protecting the two linguistic minorities.
I think that this goes part and parcel. However, the fact remains that the preamble and everything I just said is consistent with the Speech from the Throne. That's really what we want to do.
This was my two cents' worth. As a francophone outside Quebec, I would feel very uncomfortable telling the other linguistic minority, which has been recognized for 51 years in legislation, that we don't want to see the potential impact on them and that it isn't important.
I'll digress for a moment and finish on this note. We've all travelled a great deal, I'm sure. As parliamentarians, we must stop focusing on Montreal, because there are anglophones in Quebec outside Montreal. There are some right across the bridge from where I live. We mustn't think that Montreal is the only place where there are anglophones in Quebec.
I support the amendment. I think that it aligns with everything that has been said and, above all, with the preamble to Mr. Beaulieu's motion.