Yes, there are many families who want to enrol their children in preschool in French. This often has to do with the little brothers or sisters of children who are already in our schools, and their parents want them to learn the language so that they are ready to start kindergarten. I see many of them when I go to the day care, but I know that the waiting list is very long and that many more children need those services. I don't have the data, but there is an ongoing need for day care. As this hasn't always been the case, only since 2018, and given the significant interruptions related to the services that could be provided to the nursery, this demand will continue.
People end up trying to find a place in an English-language day care, which has a significant impact on the language. For example, my first child didn't benefit from francophone day care services. For three and a half years, my daughter received English-language day care services. In terms of social development, everything was done in English with her little friends. She is the only one of my four children who has not had access to preschool services in French, and she is the only one who continues to have difficulties in French. She always wants to switch to English, because that's the social language she learned first.
The waiting list for those services is long, and it pains me that we cannot provide them to all families who need or want them.