Thank you very much.
I believe that the worst thing that can happen in a francophone community is to lose a day care centre or not to have francophone child care services. Stories like these are heartbreaking, and I've heard a lot of them. A francophone day care centre just closed in Kingston because of a lack of human resources, not a shortage of clients.
I'd like to explain the following to the ladies and gentlemen around this table. I don't know if you realize just how disastrous it is when a francophone day care centre closes in a francophone community, or when a centre can't accept all the francophone children. Demographic growth inevitably plunges.
Ms. Ashton, you've just raised an extremely important point.
Our network will be organizing a forum in May to discuss the process of receiving and recruiting people from abroad so that they can be trained and then work in the early childhood field. We will be holding an international forum specifically on early childhood to show owners of day care centres, whether private or not, how to go about recruiting people internationally. We are working with the Canadian Embassy in Paris on this. It's an extremely important item on the network's agenda.