I'd like to clarify that Bill 96 and Bill 101 ensure that services in English are maintained for anglophones. That's always been the case, and nothing in those laws threatens their rights.
Let's not forget that Quebec is a minority in Canada. The majority is made up of anglophone Canadians. To ensure the survival of French in Quebec and other regions, newcomers must be integrated. It's simple math. If the language transfer rate to French doesn't rise to 90%, we'll become an even bigger minority. That's what's happening, actually.
All forecast studies, even those by Statistics Canada, point to a rapid decline because we haven't francized enough newcomers as we integrate them. Personally, I feel this is crucial. Just because Quebec is a minority doesn't mean it should be wiped out.
We have the right to ensure the survival and vitality of French. It's called the people's right to self-determination. Even the United Nations recognizes that anglophone Quebeckers are not a minority under the International Bill of Human Rights. The UN has even specified that in a province, the majority can claim the same rights as the minority as long as the majority is considered the minority across the country. In my opinion, that's crucial, and those rights should have been claimed.
In 1969, francophones outside Quebec didn't have the right to go to French-language schools. It's outrageous, but with respect to French, it was programmed voluntary assimilation.
Ninety per cent of francophones live in Quebec. Nevertheless, the decision was made to strengthen English. At the outset, most of the funding was earmarked to strengthen English-language educational institutions when they were already being overfunded.
To me, this is a core issue, and French must be the common language if we are to successfully integrate immigrants. I'm talking about French and the common language elsewhere in Canada. A great number of francophones don't have access to services in French, and over 99% of newcomer language transfers favour English. The assimilation rate for francophones outside Quebec is just over 40%.