It's a really important question. I alluded to it in one of my answers to a question from one of your colleagues on the other side.
When people who speak French to come to this country, we can't expect them to keep the language when after two generations—and the statistics prove that it's two generations—it will disappear if they're not properly surrounded. The overarching threat to the French language is the English language, just by its volume, in particular outside Quebec but also inside Quebec.
Having raised, and continuing to raise, three kids in three different languages, I totally understand the struggle of your constituents in making sure that the dominant language does not take over, whether it's through friendships or just by people's surroundings. It is a constant struggle.
I'm not going to say that the federal government has all the answers, but the official languages plan has settlement services that have gone from 50 to 80 communities across the country. That's important.
When I met with some institutions in London that were working with IRCC and were funded in large part by it, they talked about the importance of making sure that unilingually French people not only get their community supports but are also able to be integrated into a predominantly anglophone area, while at the same time preserving the language that we want to support, French.
It is a challenge. I think it's one that we can really live up to as the federal government, but there is the need for provincial governments to step up. In this case it's Ontario, but we've also seen this need in New Brunswick and other provinces.
It is a partial answer to your question. When we talk about thresholds and the mechanisms that we need, it is important to have those proper supports in place in order for French to thrive outside Quebec. Otherwise, you are just creating conditions such that after 60 to 65 years, people are then speaking the dominating language, which more often than not is English.