In procedural terms, we are in talks.
It is still not clear since Mr. Beaulieu just asked for clarification as to whether it would be before December. That is why we would like to get it in writing. It is not clear to committee members.
Mr. Godin said he was not suggesting a date for the minister to appear, but now he is asking for one. I do not have any date to suggest. In principle, the amendment does not specify a date, but I am not sure of that because, from the way it is worded, it could be November 8, but perhaps not.
I suggest we delete part of Mr. Godin's amendment and vote to invite the commissioner to appear on November 8. If Mr. Godin feels strongly about the minister appearing, he could move another motion.
I would like to point out that, when the RCMP commissioner appears, Mr. Godin can present another motion related to this amendment. He would not have to give notice of a motion, since it pertains to the same subject. He may do so publicly when everyone at home is watching us on television, and we will be more popular than the program Tout le monde en parle. Right now, however, it is not clear to anyone.
So it really comes down to the amendment.