I don't know if I have to go through all of the list, but there is one item that I want to bring to your attention.
It's item 13, Bill C-324. This bill is similar to another bill that was tabled by the government, Bill C-37.
The objective of Bill C-324 is to prohibit the possession, production, sale, or importation of anything if it is known that it will be used in the production or trafficking of certain substances included in schedule I of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Currently, the provision it would amend only applies to one item. With Bill C-324, clause 7.1 would apply also to other items, among them fentanyl and other drugs.
Government Bill C-37 would do something very similar, except that it would extend the application of section 7.1 of the act to all of the substances that are listed in the schedule of the act.
Those are the similarities between the two. Basically, Bill C-37 would achieve what Bill C-324 seeks to achieve.