Thank you, Chair.
Mr. Zaccardelli, let's go back to the issue of the ordering of a criminal investigation and whether or not that really happened. Let me introduce a couple of facts, and then I'll make my comments.
When you splice it, the actual wording that the Auditor General uses in her report is:
The RCMP initiated a criminal investigation on 23 June 2003. The Commissioner then cancelled it two days later to conduct an internal audit to more clearly identify issues and help determine if an external investigation was warranted.
We have the current acting commissioner saying under oath here:
My understanding around the first criminal investigation was that it was not the commissioner who ordered that investigation but someone else. In his review of that, he turned it into an internal audit for whatever reason he felt was expedient.
And lastly, I have a quote from Mr. Lewis, referring to you, sir:
He instructed me at that time to go to the commanding officer of A Division to start an investigation, and I have the documents, which will be tabled. At that time, it was Assistant Commissioner Ghyslaine Clément, because she was responsible for criminal operations in the Ottawa area.
If I have this right—and please help me if I don't—it's your contention, Mr. Lewis, that you went in to see Mr. Zaccardelli. As part of your discussion with him, he said he wanted you to go ahead and act, with his authority, to start this investigation by contacting someone. A couple of days later, you confirmed that in an e-mail, which then went to Mr. Zaccardelli.
Mr. Zaccardelli, you're saying you didn't give such a direction, and when you saw it in this e-mail, you immediately....
No? Then correct me now.