That's correct. And on July 4.... I will just read you the paragraph that's in my July 4 memo, which ex-commissioner Zaccardelli just referred to:
However, given your expressed concern and the obvious seriousness of this matter, I have since accelerated the A-Base review process with respect to the NCPC area. Having now had the opportunity to examine available information, I must say I share your concerns and can attest to the presence of numerous “red flags”. The misuse of funds and the presence of nepotism are serious matters and as such, require immediate investigation and corrective action if deemed appropriate.
We agreed with this audit—to get the audit going—on June 17. By July 4, we had found so much—enough that under any given circumstances, it was time to get to an investigation. As for the second audit, yes, we agreed and asked him about a second audit, and that was about the value for money, because at that end, we were now starting to see that there was no value for money in the outsourcing.