Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you all again for taking the time to come forward.
The reason it's crucially important for us, for a public inquiry, or for somebody to get to the bottom of these particular issues is because it speaks to whether or not there was an attempted cover-up. If there wasn't, we need to get a whole lot of people's reputations back, and if there was, that's in some ways a bigger problem than the initial crime. I think President Nixon would have something to say about how that can collapse around you.
So we have to get to the bottom of whether or not these transfers were done as punishment, to take people away from finding out things, or whether it was just the regular course of business. It matters incredibly.
Ms. Revine, I appreciate your coming back today. Let me set this out. You're currently working from home...full pay, full benefits, full everything, except you work at home most of the time instead of the office.