Thank you, Chair. I appreciate that.
Commissioner, in your opening comments, just to read it back into the record, you said:
Despite the many efforts to improve DNA turnaround times, demands for DNA analysis have increased, on average, by eight percent per year, which far exceeds our capacity. The situation is not unique to the RCMP; most publicly funded forensic laboratories report the same challenge. We take no comfort, however, in being on par with other laboratories, and we are proceeding aggressively to improve our turnaround times.
Then later on in your comments, Commissioner, you say, “The most significant result of this new priority work”--referencing work you mentioned in your earlier comments--“will be the development of realistic and reasonable targets for case response times”, again recognizing that as far as we're concerned in Canada, the RCMP is the gold standard of policing around the world. If not meeting that in every category humanly possible, we certainly strive to.
I'm just curious as to why you weren't stronger on saying that we've now identified that there are at least two jurisdictions that do far better than we do, and our goal is to match or exceed that. Instead, I got sort of--I'm going to say it--wishy-washy kind of language.
I'd like to know why this kind of wishy-washy language and why not an absolute commitment on quality and turnaround time, that we are going to be the best in the world. Why aren't you saying that, or will you say that now?