Well, given the advice that we heard.... Certainly Mr. Williams' position is that it shouldn't happen at all. The law clerk, if I understood, said that we could, but we had to be careful, as there's a narrow range there. So prudence, to me, would be to call in everybody except her, and to bring in that staff person. Then, if we believe that we still need to get at the truth, we can spend the time necessary to talk that through and set the parameters of the meeting. I would be more comfortable with that, rather than roaring ahead and inviting in the Lieutenant Governor and possibly getting ourselves into side issues and constitutional questions. All it takes is one member to cross the line and ask the wrong question, and there's offence given.
I'd rather optimize our chance that we're going to get to the truth in the cleanest, quickest way, as our first step, recognizing that we can always add people later, and bring her in and anyone else in we deem necessary. So at this time I would be more comfortable with exchanging the former Lieutenant Governor with her administrative assistant, with the right still to call her back, if we so deem.