I want to go back to what Mr. Williams was approaching, the two different legal opinions of the appropriation of funding for the firearms registry. I'm going to be very blunt about this. We were on that committee. We saw the opinions. I'm a lawyer, I saw the opinions, and I think there's real argument about whether they were much the same.
The impression I have is that we had a group of people huddled together saying, “My goodness gracious, we're in a lot of trouble. Not only might we have violated the Treasury Board guidelines, which will get us the wet noodle treatment, but we might have actually broken the law under the public administration act. Worse yet, we might have violated the Constitution of Canada.” Within hours, they found a lawyer somewhere who came up with the legal opinion that backed up the decision they had made and got into very exotic technical points, contingent liabilities and so on. It was a very detailed report.
I guess that's the difficulty I have, what I saw happen on that. It's as though department heads can phone over to the justice department and find some lawyer to cover their tracks for them when they get themselves in difficulty.
The only further comment I have on that, sir, and then I'll turn it over to Mr. Sweet, is that a couple of lawyers, one of them a Canadian lawyer, got entangled in a very major trial in Chicago last year, and found out where that can get them if they want to walk down that line.
I guess a lot of us had concerns about this matter. I'll just register that with you. I have suspicions about the whole matter, I'll be 100% honest on that. The Auditor General's report, by the way, at the end of the whole exercise came back and reconfirmed the position given by the original lawyer.
Obviously we don't agree on that point. That's why I'm making a comment rather than asking a question. If you want to make a comment, go ahead.