Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I'm pleased to appear before the members of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts to discuss chapter 5 of the Auditor General's report on managing the delivery of legal services to the government.
Joining me today, as you indicated, Chair, are Yves Côté, associate deputy minister, and Terrance McAuley, the acting assistant deputy minister for the new management sector.
Today, I would like to report to the members of the committee on what the Department of Justice has done over the last year, and what we continue to do, to address the observations and recommendations that the Auditor General presented in her May 2007 report on legal services.
To put all this into context, Mr. Chairman, the Department of Justice had more than 66,500 active files related to the provision of legal services to government in fiscal year 2006-07. Of these, close to 38,000 were litigation files and more than 25,000 were advisory files.
Department lawyers drafted 58 bills that were tabled in Parliament and drafted almost 600 motions to amend bills. So perhaps it is fitting to characterize us, as the Auditor General just did, as Canada's largest law firm.
Despite constant growth in the demand for legal services since 2003-04, the department's operating expenditures have remained stable, growing at an average rate of 3% annually.
In 2005-06 these expenditures represented only about 1% of government spending on operations, excluding grants and contributions and debt service charges.
This leads, Mr. Chair, to a discussion of the state of the department's management.
As deputy minister, I believe that the department overall is doing well. My belief stems in part from the results and feedback from Treasury Board Secretariat in its annual assessment of my department's management accountability framework.
The department received positive feedback in 2007 and was commended for its work in improving management in a number of areas. I believe that these results helped respond to several observations and recommendations for improvement raised in the audit report. For example, the secretariat's assessment notes that the department has made substantial progress in the area of business and corporate planning and has made good progress in implementing more robust performance management practices.
I am satisfied with this assessment, as I believe that it reflects the levels of effort that my department has made over the last years, while, at the same time, I recognize that more is required.
In addition to the management accountability framework, I consider the Auditor General's report itself, of course, to be an important tool, a tool that helps us ensure that the management practices and departmental operations are sound.
Mr. Chairman, providing quality legal services to the government is one of my top priorities as deputy minister. I was therefore very pleased to see the audit report recognizing that the department has a strong commitment to providing quality legal services to the government and that the department puts considerable effort into ensuring the quality of the legal services it provides.
I'm also pleased to note that our client government departments and agencies, to whom we deliver legal services, are satisfied with the quality of counsel assigned to them as well as with the overall services we provide. We will build on the elements of quality management noted in the report, and in fact work is already under way to develop a more complete quality assurance framework.
At the same time, the Auditor General's report made clear that we need to improve in certain areas.
For example, the department needs to complete its work on improving the management of legal agents. Although we have achieved good results in this area with respect to federal prosecutions, we are looking to implement lessons learned from that initiative to improve the management of civil legal agents.
The department is also working to better support departments and agencies in managing the demand for legal services. While our department can't control this demand, there is work we can and should be doing to assist departments and agencies, as noted in the report. For example, at the time of the audit the department was making progress in working with Treasury Board Secretariat to put in place a more consistent approach to managing the department's financial arrangements with departments and agencies, including a cost-recovery formula to reflect the full cost of legal services.
With Treasury Board's approval, on April 1, 2007, a uniform cost-recovery approach, which is applied to all legal services provided to the departments and agencies, was implemented across government. As a result, cost-recovery arrangements are now more consistent, appropriately documented, and efficient to administer. We've also extended timekeeping to all types of legal services provided to government. As a result, the department will have more robust information on workload and on the cost of all legal services.
Another issue that clearly requires the department's attention is the provision and use of financial information related to legal services. Our new law practice management committee has identified this matter as an urgent priority, and the department is committed to addressing this issue. Work will commence to identify information needs and requirements in partnership with departments and agencies.
Mr. Chairman, while I recognize that more work needs to be done, I'm very pleased with the progress the department has made since the tabling of the Auditor General's report last May, and I look forward to a discussion with this committee.
Thank you.