Thank you, Mr. Hubbard.
In the report on plans and priorities for the Department of National Defence, and I know this because I worked at that department, there's a full section—and I apologize, I don't have that with me at the moment—that shows the full cost for all of the deployments of the Department of National Defence, including Afghanistan. It shows the information in terms of the incremental cost by year. It also has a full cost as well. That information is in the RPP. I don't recall the exact figures off the top of my head. The incremental cost for the last fiscal year, if I remember correctly—and, please, if I may, Mr. Chair, I'm going from memory here—was somewhere, I believe, in the neighbourhood of about $800 million, the additional cost of being in Afghanistan. That is all laid out in the report on plans and priorities.
The second part of your question, Mr. Hubbard, had to do with veterans benefits. Most of those benefits go through the Department of Veterans Affairs, and they would have a full accounting for that as well in their report on plans and priorities. There are some special funds for the folks who are coming back from deployment. There are some moneys in DND for that.