Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for coming, Ms. Fraser, Mr. Vaughan, and Mr. Maxwell.
Ms. Fraser, you've contributed significantly to Canadian governance. It's a great honour to be here. And I have to say, given the relentless way you pursue facts, I'm glad to be on this end of the questioning
I'd like to refer in my question to something the chairman just said. I'm going to get to an area Ms. Crombie was pursuing a minute ago on chapter 2.
He said that when transparency is pursued, there's a benefit for all Canadians. You reached the conclusion, for the tenth straight year that an Auditor General has reached this conclusion, that Canada's governance deserved an unqualified opinion concerning the government's consolidated financial statements. When the Comptroller General was questioned on that last Thursday concerning foreign investment, he said that's probably a good thing because it means that foreign investors and business people can depend on what they see, and he knew of no other country in the world that had ten straight unqualified opinions. This strikes me as a great thing that we as Canadians can celebrate. You have verified it, and so we thank you for your role.
Concerning chapter 2, as somebody who has set up and run non-profit enterprises and has run small businesses here and in Asia, I sympathize with those small entities that you reviewed. You concluded that they don't “have the systems and resources of large departments and may have only a few key people responsible for several functions. Sometimes this can lead to problems”. I can see that, and certainly a government that is committed to accountability, as this government is, wants to know how we can improve. The flip side of having the unqualified opinion is that we must always be accountable and must always be improving in our accountability.
So here's the first of my questions.
You identified the new policy on internal audit that came into force on April 1, 2006, as a positive development. Ms. Fraser, can you briefly explain this policy and expand on how it will increase accountability and oversight?