The member referred to the government's having the prerogative to open a new account. I thought I should indicate once again that this was done through legislation, through amendments to the Employment Insurance Act as part of the budget bill last year. This wasn't the government's doing; this was authorized by Parliament.
With respect to the EI account, the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2010, are included in volume 1 of the Public Accounts. I refer the member to page 4.17. There you will see the new EI operating account for the year ending March 31, 2010. It shows that the EI program collected total revenues, primarily EI premiums from employees and employers, of some $17 billion. It paid the expenses of some $23.7 billion. There were benefit enhancement measures from the government of some $1.5 billion, leaving a net deficit for 2010. Actually, it's $5 billion as opposed to the $4 billion I previously quoted. The new account, as of March 31, 2010, is in a deficit situation.