Mr. Chair, thank you for this opportunity to discuss chapter 5 of our spring 2012 report, “Oversight of Civil Aviation-Transport Canada”.
Joining me at the table are Maurice Laplante, Assistant Auditor General, and Lucie Talbot, Director, who were responsible for the audit.
The overall responsibility for aviation safety rests with the aviation industry. Transport Canada is responsible for developing and administering the policies, regulations and standards required for the safe conduct of civil aviation within Canada's borders. It is also responsible for overseeing whether aviation companies have complied with this safety framework.
We examined whether the department had risks associated with overseeing its civil aviation safety program. We focused on Transport Canada's surveillance of air carriers, aircraft maintenance organizations, and airports in the national airports system.
Transport Canada has made progress in adapting its regulatory framework to one based on safety management systems. It has moved to an approach that puts the onus on aviation companies to develop safety management systems in accordance with regulations. The goal of this approach is to allow for more consistent and rigorous surveillance of aviation companies' compliance with safety regulations.
While Transport Canada has implemented a regulatory framework that is consistent with international requirements, we found that in some cases it was taking a long time to address some emerging safety issues.
We found that some aspects of surveillance are working well. For example, the department has developed a standardized methodology to enable consistent inspections of companies' compliance with regulations across Canada.
This surveillance approach is consistent with the safety management system-based approach in the aviation industry, and inspections are carried out under the department's instructions. However, we found weaknesses in critical areas in how Transport Canada plans and conducts its surveillance activities.
We found that risk-based planning lacks rigour. The information for assessing risks used by Transport Canada to identify the high-risk aviation companies that should be inspected is not always available or kept up to date.
In addition, a minimum acceptable level of surveillance has not been clearly established to provide the necessary coverage of civil aviation companies.
In 2010-11, only about two-thirds of planned inspections were completed. That is significant, considering that only the companies and the operational areas with higher risks are to be selected for inspection in any given year.
Most inspections did not fully comply with the established methodology and were subject to little management oversight.
We found that inspection plans were prepared for 35% of the files we reviewed. In these plans, we found little information on the key tests necessary to ensure that the inspection would focus on the greatest risks. We also found that sampling plans were rarely prepared. Because there are no minimum requirements for documentation of work done and reporting of inspection results, the quality of the documentation varied significantly among inspectors and across regions.
We found that many inspections were carried out in 2010-11 by inspectors who had not received training on the new surveillance methodology. Completing training on time is important to help inspectors understand and apply the new surveillance methods. Otherwise, the department will not have the assurance it needs that aviation companies are complying with air safety regulations.
At the end of our audit, we found that about 65% of inspectors had completed the training on surveillance procedures.
Transport Canada has developed a national human resources plan for the oversight of civil aviation. However, the plan does not specify the number of inspectors and engineers that are needed, although the department agreed to provide these figures in its response to the recommendation in our 2008 report.
We found, as well, that Transport Canada lacks a quality assurance program to continuously improve its surveillance program. An effective quality assurance program for evaluating Transport Canada's surveillance activities would help management determine whether established methodologies are being followed.
Transport Canada plays a key role in helping to ensure that Canada's civil aviation safety framework meets minimum international safety standards. While Canada's safety record compares favourably with many other countries, any deterioration would have a significant impact on public confidence. This makes it critical that Transport Canada maintain a solid and effective regulatory framework for civil aviation safety, especially since the International Civil Aviation Organization has projected a significant growth in aviation until 2025.
The department's senior management needs to concentrate its efforts on ensuring that staff apply the approved methodology consistently and rigorously, that managers provide the necessary reviews and supervision, and that an effective continuous improvement program is put in place. Otherwise, Transport Canada will not have the assurance that the industry is operating in compliance with the regulatory framework for civil aviation in Canada.
Mr. Chair, we are pleased to report that Transport Canada agreed with our recommendations and expressed its commitment to implement them no later than April 2013.
In April 2012, Transport Canada shared its detailed action plan with us, and it appears to be sufficient if implemented. The committee may wish to review the department's action plan and explore the progress made to date to address the issues raised in this chapter.
Mr. Chair, this concludes my opening remarks. We would be pleased to answer any questions that the committee may have.
Thank you.