Thank you.
Thank you very much for your presentations today.
I'd like to start by saying that while we recognize there have been some investments, I think Canadians also recognize that there needs to be change. I'm pleased to hear you say today that the department has accepted the recommendations of the Auditor General, and I'm also pleased to hear you say that many of the things that were pointed out here are not acceptable and have to change.
I'd like to start with the inspection piece. When I look at the report, I'm not seeing too many inspections or too much emphasis on doing them. What I'm seeing is too little. The Auditor General's report, in paragraph 7.11, says there were 101 quality inspectors responsible for conducting inspections in audits on the rail lines in Canada.
Also in your report under paragraph 7.1, you said that Canada has about 44,000 kilometres of railway across the country. This works out to about one inspector for every 440 kilometres, the distance, for example, between Toronto and Ottawa.
Assuming that each one of those inspectors works alone and doesn't take any vacation, doesn't take any sick days, and doesn't have any delays due to weather, and that there are no delays due to heavy usage on the tracks and so on, I have to ask whether having one inspector to cover such a large section of track is adequate. So I would like to start there.
Secondly, while you've indicated in your report that you're going to update the inspection procedure by 2015 and that you're also going to look at your staffing requirements, does a gap exist right now, and is that gap being filled in the interim? Or are we going to wait until 2015, until we can have more study or analysis done on it?