Thank you, Mr. Chair.
In your introductory comments, you said:
When departments do not fully consider the on-the-ground impact of their activities, they are missing opportunities to verify that they are hitting the mark for Canadians.
Then you also said your findings “underscore the disconnect that happens when departments don't have a clear understanding of whether the services they are providing are meeting the needs of their clientele.”
That sounds like a pretty damning overall conclusion. It's pretty aggregate in nature.
In the case of the nutrition north program, I'd like to mention two cases and then, referring back to that quote, ask if you think that these problems are fixable by simply addressing two specific issues, or if there's a more general problem about the department not really seeing to the needs of its clients.
The first one has been referred to before. You have two similarly isolated towns 20 kilometres apart getting vastly different subsidies. One gets $1.60 a kilogram, and the other gets 5¢ a kilogram, so 30 times higher in one case for similar towns. That seems to be a pretty fundamental unfairness built into the program.
The second example is that you say there's no verification of whether or not the subsidy is passed along. Well, the government has a subsidy that's not passed along, so it's pretty well like throwing taxpayers' money into the garbage can if the subsidy is not actually meeting the needs of northerners by providing lower food costs but is just kept by the retailer. You say it can't, or won't, or doesn't measure the extent to which the subsidy is passed along.
I'll mention a third case, although I'm not quite sure of the accuracy of this. Apparently it is claimed that food prices are 8% lower, whereas in fact they went up. I'm not sure if that is right, but let me just keep to the first two: vastly different subsidies for essentially two very similar communities, and no evidence by which to know whether or not subsidies were passed on.
Given your earlier statement, isn't that a pretty general condemnation of this program, or are you saying that everything will be just fine if they fix those two specific issues?