Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, Mr. Auditor General and your team, for coming and testifying at committee here today.
I will be focusing my questions on chapter 8, the Special Examinations. I note that in your report, it states that the government has 44 parent crown corporations that require a special examination once every ten years, and it has one additional corporation that is lumped into that group as well for a total of 45, employing approximately 84,000 people across Canada.
I want to make note of paragraph 8.16, where it states, “We identified no significant deficiencies in the two special examination reports”. That's a very encouraging comment in your audit.
You give the Canada Lands Company very glowing comments on the management of that crown corporation. They are very profitable with a net income during the fiscal year when you conducted your examination of about $48 million and they contributed a dividend of $20 million to the government.
You have less than glowing comments as far as their strategic planning, risk management, and performance measures and reporting goal, and you commented on amalgamation and also some significant turnover at board and senior management levels.
Could you comment a little further on that? That is paragraph 3 under Findings. Is a strategic plan coming that was identified to you?