Thank you for your question.
I have three things to say.
First, with regard to accounting standards, in 2003, we changed our accounting method and adopted an approach that was more consistent with what was being done in the private sector.
Standards change from time to time, so we are always having to keep up with changes in accounting standards. Accounting standards are set independently in Canada, so we follow accounting standards set by an independent board.
The Auditor General mentioned that the government adopted a new accounting standard with regard to contaminated sites.
We have to keep up to speed with those things.
The other thing I would say is that we have roughly $250 billion to $270 billion in expenses and revenues, depending on the year. There are always going to be errors found by the Auditor General. That's their job: to go through an audit, challenge our estimates, find mistakes. Every year we learn, and every year we get better, but there is still work to do, especially on National Defence inventory. That's been a challenge we've had for a number of years. It continues to get better, but it's still not good enough.
It is, then, a matter of continuous improvement for sure, on the base, but also of keeping up with the changes in accounting standards.
Third, the preparation of the government's financial statements
requires considerable estimations and judgment. This is not an exact science. We talked about estimating the environmental liabilities. You're really projecting what it's going to cost to clean up a contaminated site, and they're all different.
Think about something such as veterans' expenses and veterans' liabilities. We are trying to project the eventual cost of caring for our current group of servicemen and servicewomen and existing veterans. There are estimates involved in health care costs, in age, in how many people will take up the services. It is quite a complicated process, and we're always refining those estimates as we learn and get more exposure.
Those are the three things I would leave you with.