Certainly all of our recommendations are accessible. We could probably go back a period of time and pull out the recommendations we've made on a number of topics.
One thing we try to do in each audit, at the very back of the audit, is list the recommendations.
I'm looking at the one at report 4 on implementing shared services. At the very back on page 27 of that report the recommendations are listed, as well as the response of the department.
If you're interested in the recommendations, it's fairly easy to get them, but I think we could probably go back and put together some sort of a tabulation of it.
In terms of what action has been taken, that's more difficult, because that would depend on whether we have done a follow-up on those particular recommendations or not. We haven't followed up on every recommendation.
Sometimes we can ask a department if they have done anything in terms of a recommendation, and they will give us an answer. We don't tend to publish that, because we haven't audited it.
A department could tell us they've implemented all the recommendations, but we're not going to come here and tell you they've implemented them, because we don't know. We haven't gone in and received the level of assurance that we need to be able to say that yes, they've done that.
If the committee is interested in having some sort of a tabulation of some past recommendations, that's something we could do, or we could work with the clerk and the analysts to do it, or whatever. That would at least give you the topics and recommendations.