Thank you very much.
Mr. Chair, I want to thank you and the members of the committee for the opportunity to address the report of the Auditor General with respect to the Phoenix pay system.
I am pleased to be joined by my colleague Les Linklater, who leads the integrated team that is now focused on stabilizing the pay system.
Let me begin by saying that since my arrival at PSPC, in April 2016, eliminating the negative impact on employees from the implementation of the pay transformation has been my number one priority, the number one priority of my department, and as Minister Qualtrough has noted, her number one priority as well.
It is clear to us that there is no greater issue facing the public service. More than half of the employees are facing some form of pay issue. At my department, we see first-hand the very real impact this situation is having on employees—those waiting for missing pay and those working without rest to help resolve this situation. I am deeply sorry for the hardship being felt by the public servants and their families.
I want to thank the Auditor General for this important study. We agree with the report's findings and accept its recommendations. The report aligns with the findings of previous reviews and validates the measures we are taking to stabilize the pay system. We have provided a management action plan, which details specific commitments and key milestones for achieving them.
I will elaborate on this actions in a few minutes, but first I would like to provide a brief summary of what has transpired over the past year and a half.
We now know that the original planning for this project failed to take into account the full scope and complexity of this major transformation. The crucial linkages between pay and associated human resources processes and systems were not properly understood across government. This had enormous implications, and we did not immediately grasp the full extent and impact of pay problems that emerged after Phoenix went live.
In addition, we did not have the needed resources to properly implement Phoenix or effectively manage the challenges that followed. By the time Phoenix was fully implemented in April 2016, more than 700 compensation positions had been eliminated in the 46 departments being serviced by the pay centre. While departments not serviced by the pay centre kept their staff, this massive reduction meant that valuable expertise and capacity were not available when we needed them most.
At first, reports of pay errors were taken to be one-off issues and not unexpected with the implementation of a major information technology transformation project. However, by June, it became apparent that there were serious problems. The increasing number of pay issues quickly outstripped our capacity to respond.
More compensation advisers were urgently needed. However, building capacity is a major undertaking, and we were starting from scratch. In addition to finding new employees, significant time and effort was needed to on-board trained individuals.
On June 17, eight weeks after full implementation, we announced the opening of our first satellite office. Then we hired additional staff at Miramichi, established additional satellite pay offices across the country, added more than 250 compensation advisers, and opened a client contact centre to handle employee calls for assistance.
These measures helped address several urgent issues while ensuring that the 300,000 public servants were getting paid every two weeks. They reduced the occurrence of the most serious pay problem—employees not receiving pay at all. They also allowed us to bring down wait times for parental and disability leave, which unions asked us to prioritize.
However, major challenges remain. A large queue of transactions had formed at the pay centre. At the same time, the government was concluding negotiations for 20 collective agreements. Compensation advisers processed pay increases, signing bonuses, and retroactive payments for some 184,000 employees, which led to payments of more than $615 million over the summer.
This additional work proved much more complicated than expected. Calculating retroactive payments going back as far as four years required data to be pulled from the government's now-decommissioned pay system, as well as significant manual calculations.
We are not seeing our queue decrease, as we are dedicating efforts to process important payments associated to collective bargaining agreements. However, in total, we are processing more transactions a month than we are receiving and we have essentially tripled this output since May 2016.
Once we have implemented the collective agreements and dealt with the upcoming tax season, we will be able to shift more capacity to reducing the queue. In addition to responding to pay problems, we are focusing on their root causes.
This has highlighted two important realities. First, given that human resource processes are directly linked with employee pay, we know that an integrated pay and HR approach is needed to address issues. Second, as it was clear that our department alone could not identify or implement solutions, we needed a whole-of-government approach. As a result, we have begun implementing a series of measures focused on bringing the pay system to a point of stability. Our immediate aim is to reduce the number of late transactions and the wait times for missing pay.
Our actions fall into four broad areas, namely, accountable and informed decision-making, improved processes and technology, increased capacity and service, and partnership and engagement. I will give you a few examples, but more detailed information on these actions is available on our website.
An integrated team of senior officials from PSPC and Treasury Board Secretariat is now leading our overall effort to stabilize the pay system both at the pay centre and across the entire government. A strong governance model that brings together views and realities from across the public service is supporting the work of the integrated team. This includes a working group of ministers, an interdepartmental working group, and a deputy ministers oversight committee, which I co-chair with my colleague, the chief human resources officer at the Treasury Board Secretariat.
To improve processes and technology, we are focusing on common human resources practices, processes and systems that don't work with Phoenix and cause delays. Our solution needs to be integrated, from initial staffing action, to pay request, to pay receipt. Taking a holistic view will ensure that our pay system works effectively and efficiently from start to finish.
At the pay centre, we are preparing to organize compensation staff into small groups that will focus on specific departments and agencies, creating greater efficiencies and providing more tailored support to employees. To increase our capacity and improve services, we have hired 680 additional compensation staff, in effect more than doubling the staff complement we had when Phoenix was launched. And we plan to add up to 300 more over the next several months.
Recognizing the need to provide more useful support to employees, we also plan to enhance our contact centre by hiring up to 100 employees. This will allow employees to get detailed information about their pay files directly from public servants working at the client contact centre.
The final area is partnership and engagement. Departments are engaged, and the union management community has been meeting regularly to discuss Phoenix-related issues and solutions. Improved reporting and data analysis will be provided to departments and agencies and will inform decision-making.
Mr. Chair, we know there are no quick fixes or shortcuts. We need to continue to pay some 300,000 employees every two weeks and process the late transactions. We are focused on stabilizing Phoenix, and the measures I have just mentioned will help get us there. Again, more details can be found on our website. These measures are fully aligned with the Auditor General's recommendation, and we will be posting quarterly updates of them online.
In addition, we are looking longer term to consider options for how we can increase the efficiency and sustainability of this system. Our immediate focus is on helping affected employees, but eventually we want to deliver an efficient pay system that provides public servants a modern and easy-to-use pay experience.
Collectively, it's clear that we underestimated the complexity of the pay transformation initiative. The Goss Gilroy review identifies lessons in key areas that we're now using to fix the pay system. The second report of the Auditor General should provide additional guidance. It is also our responsibility to ensure that these lessons will be applied to other government transformation projects.
Before concluding my remarks, I want to again acknowledge the patience of dedicated public servants who have endured hardship through no fault of their own. They simply want to know when they will get paid. While we do not have a precise timeline, we are doing everything to end this frustrating situation as quickly as possible.
I also want to thank our dedicated employees at Public Services and Procurement Canada and across departments and agencies who are working tirelessly to ensure that their colleagues are paid accurately and on time.
I know that pay issues are exerting pressure and stress on employees. Where employees are facing hardship situations, we are prioritizing support. I want to assure you that, when those situations are brought to our attention, departments and agencies act quickly to deal with them.
I would be pleased to respond to any questions you may have.
Thank you.