In March 2020 you'll recall there were border measures being put in place around the world. Canadians were having trouble moving abroad. There was a need to find ways to speed up the implementation of public health measures at the border. The overriding importance at the time was placed on making sure that we had multi-layered public health measures in place. The border was one of the points at which that was administered.
Because of the need to ask additional questions and to have information on travellers' travel history and health, extra time was needed by border services officers to ask these questions. This resulted in significant delays at the border, and as we worked to try to find ways to streamline the entry of critical services, goods and people into Canada, it was very important that we move as quickly as possible to have a digital application that would allow us both to facilitate that necessary travel and at the same time have the information we needed to model the behaviour of the virus and the different pressures on epidemiology and public health that we were going to face to inform future measures.
There was tremendous time pressure, and it was an all-hands-on-deck time, when everyone was working as fast as we could to implement the operations.