Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to continue on with the line of questioning from my previous round related to the misconduct.
Ms. Daly, I agree with you, largely, in your comments, but I don't agree with your summation of what qualifies as misconduct and what your responsibility is, whether you're a low-level public servant, as you called yourself, a medium public servant or even a deputy minister. The responsibilities under CBSA policy require that, if any instance of a misconduct report is made to any person, including you in your position, it should be reported. You failed to report it.
I'm not saying that you're responsible, of course, for the gross negligence that took place, including at TBIPS. I agree with you that we need to conduct a very serious review of TBIPS and how companies like GC Strategies, a two-person company, could have gotten on that list. I'm saying that this is a very good example of systemic corruption where small pieces and the firewalls between them have isolated public servants to the position of not knowing whether or not something is misconduct. It's clear from your testimony today that you don't actually see this as a level of misconduct. Failing to report a serious allegation to a superior didn't in your mind meet the threshold to report a misconduct.
That's not your fault alone. It's the fault of your managers. It's the fault of the managers above them. Ultimately, it's the fault of whatever is happening at TBIPS that would have initiated this level of corruption.
That is my summation of what we've heard today. I fully take your recommendation that there should be a serious review of the TBIPS list and how suppliers got on that list. But there also has to be accountability with regard to the fact that there are policies in place that govern public servants, all public servants, and that, in the instance of a serious allegation like that, of a contractor not knowing they're a subcontractor and only finding that out after raising the alarm that they're not getting paid, it directly resulted in this issue and in why you're here today.
I fully appreciate your testimony, Ms. Daly. Your recommendations I also appreciate. What I ask is that this committee take serious consideration as to how GC Strategies was able to continue in this relationship when misconduct was in fact raised and the policy failed to be adhered to, wouldn't you agree?